
stones like this are hard to capture photos of. message me for videos if you’d like to see more

eyes on you

cotton candy

heat signature regalia

deeeeep royal blue

pictures can’t do this one justice

rainbow swirls

armored teardrop


framed tree of life

witch’s hat

golden hour


swirls & stripes


bonsai tree of life with swirly bois

deep as the ocean

big blue


crossed up

florida sunset

statement tree of life

bonsai style

pastel tree of life


i’m running out of name ideas

herkimer diamond accent

orange regalia


Enhances protection

Dispels negative energies

Helps you to form personal boundaries

Facilitates past life ascension or regression

Assists astral travel

Aids you in accessing the Akashic records and other esoteric knowledge

Balances the energy of the physical body with the etheric body

Increases conscious awareness

Facilitates intuitive development and psychic powers

Dispels fears

Increases faith

Strengthens trust

Facilitates mystical experiences

Stimulates the imagination and creativity

Removes illusion

Aids in acts of magic

Reveals the truth in any situation

Connects you with the Divine energy of the universe

Brings companionship

Treats symptoms of the common cold

Relieves arthritis pain

Regulates hormones

Can lower blood pressure by assisting with stress reduction

Associated Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)

Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius

Elements: Water, Air