
the most amazing story

I was introduced to Kynzie’s

Creations when a co worker of

mine got one of her tree of life

necklaces for another co worker.

It was right before my wife’s

birthday in October 2021. I

thought that is really cool and

different, so I looked online that

night and found the perfect one.

It had a moonstone gem.

Now a little backstory, we had a miscarriage back in December 2020, 2 days before Christmas. Devastated us. Had been trying again ever since with no luck.

Looking through the healing properties of the stones, the moonstone says is “Ensures a pregnancy will come to term” and “Aids in reducing complications during childbirth” among other things. Reading those two lines made me decide this is the one. Jump to her birthday and she loved it. Hasn’t taken it off since. A few weeks later(end of November) we are back at the OB for our first appointment with everything going smoothly since.

The emotional relief and quality of these products are amazing. I would for sure come back for another when looking for gifts. Thank you Kynzie.

jorge - florida

Kynzie ! Thank you so much I frickin love it ! And the extra stones you put in there topped everything off! I appreciate you🙌🏽🙏🏽. I’ll send you a picture of me rocking it some time :). Stay blessed and thanks again:)!

Ps: I’ll definitely keep supporting~

arturo - texas

It arrived on time, everything was perfectly intact, and has been gifted to my wonderful girlfriend as a little six month anniversary present :D

The quality of the piece is outstanding, the packaging was adorable and it all feels very special and personally made. And she loves it too :D Thank you so much!

ian - california