
bumblebee jasper w grey moonstone

main stone cracked and repaired so… discount!!!

swirly curls

carved lodalite

seraphinite goddess w/ moonstone

Balances the emotions

Reduces discomfort associated with the symptoms of PMS

Ensures a pregnancy will come to term

Aids in reducing complications during childbirth

Heals the female reproductive organs

Facilitates a connection with the energies of the moon

Opens one to the influences of the water element

Remove fears associated with water

Assists in healing the earth’s oceans, seas, and other bodies of water

Shields you from negativity

Provides protection (especially of women and children)

Heals emotional trauma (especially those experiences dealing with physical or verbal abuse)

Associated Chakras: Sacral (2nd), Heart (4th), Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)

Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio

Elements: Water, Ether/Spirit