
stones for

and postpartum

In this article, I will be speaking from personal experience and will be using the terms and pronouns I prefer for myself. This is in no way a form of disrespect towards he/she/they persons who are able to give birth. Thank you for understanding!

my story

pregnancy can be a beautiful and truly wonderful time filled with brand new experiences.

so I hear.

people neglect to tell you the bad sides of pregnancy before you get there and a lot of the time, you don’t hear about it until it’s happening to you. i’m partially convinced that they don’t tell us these things because most of us would decide not to deal with it! from the nausea and heartburn to the anxiety and insane hormones, it can be a wild ride. i’m not ashamed to say that I absolutely hated being pregnant, for me it was terrible and oddly enough, was kind of dehumanizing. i stopped working 7 months in because I had gotten so big so fast, my body wasn’t coping. high blood pressure, swelling and soreness became my new normal and with that, my state of mind went sour as well. i was anxious and dissociating constantly and was unable to really do much of anything for myself. and god forbid you’re part of the 2%-10% of pregnant women who develop gestational diabetes (and yes, I was unlucky enough to get that too. I had to give myself insulin shots twice a day for months.) i couldn’t even wrap my crystals because guess what? carpal tunnel is a symptom of pregnancy!!! it felt as though my only routine was watching netflix, making food, and going to the bathroom constantly. i definitely thought that growing a life was going to be magical, after all it would all be worth it in the end, right? well, turns out when you’re living in misery it can be extremely hard to see the bright side (no matter how many times people read you cliche lines like that one.) and all this is just the before part. once the baby is here you’re subjected to developing postpartum depression, anxiety or both. with most new mothers, you swell a lot in the first two weeks after birth. You’re subjected to a new kind of exhaustion, your body just went through the biggest trauma most people will physically experience and you’re still expected to get up every two-three hours to feed and your baby all while bleeding for weeks on end (for vaginal birth) or not being able to sit up on your own (for c-section births). and breastfeeding? it’s intense. It can be the most beautiful experience. some mothers like myself, couldn’t produce and in my case, I felt like I was failing my babies. I mean, I have boobs I should be able to feed my babies right? it’s an unfortunate fact of life that some people.. just can’t do it and that’s okay. and don’t even get me STARTED on the mom guilt!! no matter what you do someone is judging you. there will be days where you feel like you’re not enough for them, you’re not doing enough or you’re not a good enough mom. Those feelings, while valid because they’re yours, are WRONG. Your baby is safe, happy, and fed. you are more than enough for your babies.

after doing some research (a little late I might add), i found some stones to help ease my symptoms and calm my mind. after two pregnancies I can absolutely say these helped me.


moonstone is the stone of the divine feminine so I feel like this one should’ve been obvious for me. it aids in fertility, hormone balance, conception,

and fluid retention. this stone helps

you accept new beginnings, healing

from traumatic experiences, and

healing the reproductive system

so having it nearby during delivery

is a must!


this green beauty can help reduce morning sickness and ease heartburn. aventurine promotes healing of the physical body, stimulates confidence and willpower, promotes inner peace and calms

the mind, and promotes love. trust

me, you’ll need it.


this can help establish a strong

connect between mother and unborn

child as it’s a very spirit forward stone.

this also helps your pregnancy be more

positive as well as growth in your baby.

this unique stone is actually known as

the midwife’s stone. it is said to easy

labor pains, stimulate contractions and

help lead to a safe birth! malachite

also relieves cold sweats, helps heal

swollen joints and fractures, helps with

depression and anxiety, absorbs negative

energies and is even known to lower blood

pressure making this a very positive stone to keep with you through pregnancy and postpartum.



purple is already calming

being one of the higher vibrational

colors. this stone promotes restful sleep and

reduces pregnancy related insomnia. it can also reduce mood swings, clear anxiety, and helps release birth related fears.


this stone is perfect for the

postpartum period. it’s said to

rebalance hormones and encourage

self care which is usually the last thing on

your mind after birthing a human. it’s known to promote joy and optimism with its bright yellow color and energy as well as promote courage and self confidence! If you’re suffering from PPD or PPA, this stone is a MUST.

is this life hard?


is it worth it?

more than you know.

some days you’ll want

nothing more than to

pull your hair out.

other days you’ll be

perfectly calm and

feel like you have

everything together,

like you’re on top of

the world. some days

you’ll wake up early,

some days you’ll struggle to get yourself to even take a shower or feed yourself. you can be begging for affection from your baby or you can be overstimulated and touched out. in these hard times it can also be extremely hard to maintain your relationship as stupid as that sounds. find small ways to connect with your SO on the days where you can’t even take care of yourself because these are some of the hardest times your relationship will face. beautiful mamas, my wish for you is that you have a supportive partner and village. I hope that you’re able to rest and relax and take time for yourself even though it feels impossible sometimes. I hope you’re able to love on your babies as much as you could possibly want and more.

all my love,
